Man in his late middle age smiling


Keeping up to date

Refreshing your knowledge on the latest guidance and recommendations may be helpful.
The latest guidelines from the BSSM and EAU can be found summarised in the sections below, along with links to guidance from other leading bodies.

Tools to provide to your patients

Androgen Deficiency Aging Males (ADAM) questionnaire

The ADAM questionnaire is a short, self-administered questionnaire for patients to take which allows assessment of symptoms and quality of life.

You can complete the questionnaire with your patients below.

ADAM Questionnaire

The Androgen Deficiency Aging Males (ADAM) questionnaire is a quick and easy way to assess if you have the symptoms associated with hypogonadism / testosterone deficiency. [1]

Fill in the short questionnaire below and find out if you may have testosterone deficiency. This tool is not a method of diagnosing deficiency but will tell you if your doctor needs to carry out further tests. [1]

ADAM Questionnaire

The Androgen Deficiency Aging Males (ADAM) questionnaire is a quick and easy way to assess if you have the symptoms associated with hypogonadism / testosterone deficiency. [1]

Fill in the short questionnaire below and find out if you may have testosterone deficiency. This tool is not a method of diagnosing deficiency but will tell you if your doctor needs to carry out further tests. [1] [2]

1. Do you have decreased sex drive (libido)?

2. Do you have a lack of energy?

3. Do you have decreased strength and/or endurance?

4. Have you lost height?

5. Do you feel sad, irritated or are generally enjoying life less?

6. Are your erections less strong or do you struggle to maintain them?

7. Have you noticed a deterioration in your ability to exercise?

8. Are you falling asleep after meals?

9. Has there been a recent deterioration in your work performance?

Show result

It is unlikely that you have testosterone deficiency

However, if you are concerned, please speak to your doctor and they will be able to advise you further and carry out any further tests.

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You may be showing signs of testosterone deficiency.

Please speak to your doctor to discuss this further. This test does not mean a definitive diagnosis of testosterone deficiency  and your doctor will be able to confirm this with a blood test.

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Aging Males’ Symptoms (AMS) questionnaire

The AMS questionnaire is a patient self-administered questionnaire which measures health-related quality of life and symptoms

The AMS questionnaire is a patient self-administered questionnaire which measures health-related quality of life and symptoms

  • Assessment of symptoms of aging
  • Evaluate the severity of those symptoms over time
  • Measurement of symptom severity changes pre and post initiation of testosterone replacement therapy

The tool cannot be used for diagnosis but can indicate presence and severity of symptoms which may warrant further diagnostic tests. [1]

Access our testosterone conversation tool

Enabling you to convert testosterone levels between different measurement units.

Access our testosterone conversion tool

PROMO_1496 Date of Preparation: August 2022